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David Howard, you're so pretty when you're unfaithful to me                           
by Peter Ransom

David Howard is the only writer to have served as pyrotechnics supervisor for Metallica, Janet Jackson and the All Blacks, to have been formally acknowledged by the author of the Oxford monograph John Locke & Natural Philosophy, and to have spent thirty-five years compiling one book: The Incomplete Poems (Cold Hub Press, 2011). He is also a winner of the Gordon & Gotch Poetry Award, the NZ Poetry Society Competition, the NZSA Mid-Career Writers Award, and the University of South Pacific Press Poetry Prize. David's collaboration with Peter Ransom revisits punk Christchurch in the 1970s and 80s.

Peter Ransom (born in 1957) grew up in Dannevirke.  During the 1970s he studied at University of Canterbury School of Fine Arts under Barry Cleavin specializing in print making (lithographs, woodcuts and etchings) and pen and wash drawings. Many of his images derive from classic literary texts by Emily Bronte, Thomas Hardy, Franz Kafka, Heinrich Böll and Emile Zola. Barry Cleavin wrote of his work: ‘Webs of lines snare the eye of the beholder… Invented space inhabited by objects remembered through an impeccable but personally reconstructed reality. So far as the humans occupying this linear world are concerned: they appear as clothed containers for fragile or violent actions.’ Peter Ransom now lives in Japan.

The text and cover of you're so pretty when you're unfaithful to meare letterpress printed on a Littlejohn cylinder press. The poems are set in 12pt Linotype Janson with titles in Helvetica bold condensed by Longley Printing Co Ltd. The title page and cover title is handset in 36pt Mistral script. Images are digitally printed by GTO printers. Paper is 104 gsm Sundance felt natural white. Designed and printed by Tara McLeod. Edition of 75, numbered and signed. Price till end of September $190, thereafter $240.

you’re so pretty when you’re unfaithful to me was launched at the Going West Books & Writers Festival, 5pm Sunday 16 September, Titirangi War Memorial Hall, 500 South Titirangi Road. Speaker: Paula Green.


David Howard - coverBrush Mirror Watch (Self-Portrait) - Peter RansomEncyclopedia Sales Rep - Peter Ransom


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